Saturday, May 31, 2008

8 Weeks...

Slacking in getting some posts here which I apologize about. Today we had a free ice cream party to attend at City Park and tomorrow we have a picnic to attend courtesy of the NICU at the hospital.

Samuel and I decided to wear our Rangers top's as it was such a nice day.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

7 Weeks..

We had a great weekend, weather was awesome and managed to spend sometime outside. We planted a couple of trees that Kim had got for mothers day and we finished Samuel's room. Samuel is getting bigger every day as you can see from the picture.

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and the other picture is grandpa with Samuel in his room.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bath Night..

Normally Samuel is calm when we give him a bath, last night he seemed to not be as excited about it, or maybe this pose actually means he is.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

6 Weeks...

This is what is known in our household as "Tummy Time" and Samuel is beginning to enjoy it more and more. We alternate with carrying this out sa shown or on a mat and it helps strenghten his neck and all that good stuff. Kim might be sleeping, I am not sure :)
We weighed Samuel this past weekend and he is now at 10lbs!

5 Weeks..Last Week

Interesting week, we had our bi-weekly, (fortnightly), check up for Samuel and he weighed in at 8lb 10oz, the little guy is eating Kim out of house and home. We also found a lump on his butt which could be an abscess or a rectal fistula we are told. The doctor prescribed some antibiotics to hopefully clear it up and by Wednesday night there was a white head on it. Long story short it turned out to be an abscess and is clearing up nicely.

I am not joking about Samuel and his eating, here is what we commonly refer to as "Drunk Baby" after one of his many feedings.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

New Car..

We have been looking at newer cars for a bit and we found the one we liked the most this past week. The RAV4 is the only SUV type car that Kim always says "Oh I like that one" so this seemed like an obvious choice in what we should get.

PS Go the bears, congrats on making it to the UEFA final!!!

4 Weeks..

Here is a picture of the two most important people in my life trying to catch up on some sleep. Samuel loves to eat then sleep kind of like his dad. It's been another quick week and Samuel turned 4 weeks old on Friday morning, not bad seeing his due date is actually next week.