Sunday, March 30, 2008

34 Weeks and Counting

Well here we are at 34 weeks and the countdown seems to be happening a little faster towards May 9th. Kim is looking radiant as ever and been coping well and looking good carrying a ball around on her front :). The little guy moves, kicks and pushes a lot and it's very cool to watch him squirm around under the surface.
He, like us, is probably pretty excited to being closer to coming out

Sunday, March 16, 2008

32 Weeks and Counting...

Here is the most recent picture of Kim. You will also notice she also has a snazzy new haircut, which has her continue to be the world's hottest mum to be :)
Someone asked me the other day, why do you continue to take Kim's weekly pictures in the guest bathroom? Well, basically I started taking them there so here they will continue.

Monday, March 3, 2008

30 Weeks and Counting....

Here is Kim at 30 weeks, still looking radiant and other than the odd day with some back pain, everything is going great!!!!