Sunday, November 2, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or Treating is tough....
This is Samuel after a hard nights trick or treating. Gathering all that candy, (for mummy and daddy) takes a lot out of a boy.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Some pictures taken today in Samuel's room. The little guy has a ton of toys but the monkey is by far his favourite. In fact he wrestles with it every single night, but it always brings a smile to his face.
Samuel is beginning to learn that rolling can you get places, tonight he spent sometime on the underside of his crib, he kept looking at us as if to say, "I know, but I have never been here before" very cute...
Samuel is beginning to learn that rolling can you get places, tonight he spent sometime on the underside of his crib, he kept looking at us as if to say, "I know, but I have never been here before" very cute...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Mum's Birthday
We celebrated Kim's birthday a few weeks back up at Samuel's grandparents and ate way too much food and cake, (can you eat too much cake??).
Samuel as always was the center of attention and as he get's older wants to stand more and more. His balance is iffy but his legs are getting stronger for sure.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Follow Up
As pointed out in the last post, Samuel reached the 6 month landmark of life. What this meant for his excited parents was the chance to get him started on cereals and solids. I am sure most parents are always a little nervous around this time as you really don't know if they are going to like the food or not, but the little guy took to his new foods with ease and loves to eat using a spoon :-)
So far he has had green beans, squash, carrots, peas, bananas and organic rice cereal. I have attached some pictures from the first day with this :)
Another Month....
And Samuel continues to get bigger every day. He is now 6.5 months or thereabouts and has made some nice progress on his road to getting older.
We had our 6 monthly check up, he got a clean bill of health from the Pediatrician, (dad got a prescription for some pills :o) He received his jabs, cried for 2 seconds then got his normal smile back on his face.
Friday, September 19, 2008
It's Been Awhile
We have been busy hence the lack of posts. Samuel has started a new daycare, the name of it is Frog Hollow and the place is huge with lots of kids of varying ages. We are not 100% sure we are completley happy with it but the people are nice enough and Samuel seems to enjoy it.
We have had parties to attend and Aunt Amy came to visit from Minnesota.
Samuel continues to grow bigger every day and he is such a happy little boy, always smiling and only crying when he really needs something be it fed or a nap.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Yes, I have been slacking in updating the blog here, but it has been a busy few weeks. First off we had grandma Lennox from Scotland, (as you can see below), then the four of us went on a vacation up to Brainerd in Minnesota for a week where we were joined by grandma and grandpa Kervin and uncle Sean. A good time was had by all and grandma Lennox left the following Tuesday.
Since then we have been busy and basically have something every weekend in August with only half of the events being attendable.
Samuel continues to grow and got a new snazzy jungle gym as well as a bumbo which you can see him in here. We had him at a hospital appointment last week and he had 85% of his body rolled over. He continues to develop his leet rolling skills and talks, (babbles), a lot now :)
**Note** - The wee man has slept through the last four nights without waking up!!!! Kim does not know what to do with all the sleep she is getting now.
Anyway, there will be some new pictures added to the link at the side later tonight.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Grandma comes avisting from Scotland
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Samuel Where's Your Troosers
Little did we know one of Samuel's favorite songs would turn out to be Donald Where's Your Troosers by Andy Stewart. The wee man dances everytime it get's sung to him or played :) .....Though I should point out Kim is actually moving his legs in case you thought wow he's active :o
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
4th of July Weekend
Well, this weekend was the 4th of July which means an extra day's holiday this year, (for you non-yanks). We spent the 4th at grandma and grandpa's house eating way too much food with them and their friends.
The video was actually recorded on the 28th of June around 7.00AM. Samuel had already been awake for about 2 hours by this point :) We do love him even if he does make us get up way earlier than normal.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day...
Saturday, May 31, 2008
8 Weeks...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
7 Weeks..
We had a great weekend, weather was awesome and managed to spend sometime outside. We planted a couple of trees that Kim had got for mothers day and we finished Samuel's room. Samuel is getting bigger every day as you can see from the picture.
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and the other picture is grandpa with Samuel in his room.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Bath Night..
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
6 Weeks...
This is what is known in our household as "Tummy Time" and Samuel is beginning to enjoy it more and more. We alternate with carrying this out sa shown or on a mat and it helps strenghten his neck and all that good stuff. Kim might be sleeping, I am not sure :)
We weighed Samuel this past weekend and he is now at 10lbs!
We weighed Samuel this past weekend and he is now at 10lbs!
5 Weeks..Last Week
Interesting week, we had our bi-weekly, (fortnightly), check up for Samuel and he weighed in at 8lb 10oz, the little guy is eating Kim out of house and home. We also found a lump on his butt which could be an abscess or a rectal fistula we are told. The doctor prescribed some antibiotics to hopefully clear it up and by Wednesday night there was a white head on it. Long story short it turned out to be an abscess and is clearing up nicely.
I am not joking about Samuel and his eating, here is what we commonly refer to as "Drunk Baby" after one of his many feedings.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
New Car..
4 Weeks..
Thursday, April 24, 2008
3 Weeks
Well, tomorrow morning at 5.45AM, Samuel will be three weeks old. He also had his third doctor’s visit yesterday morning where he was given the thumbs up from the doctor. He now weighs in at a cool 6lb 12oz, up almost one full pound since last Wednesday. From his picture you can see his little face is filling out a bit more. The doctor has made his next appointment two weeks from now, all being well this will probably put his appointment after that at two months.I returned to work this Monday which was really hard to do leaving Kim and Samuel at home, it would be nice, (all be it probably not practical), to stay at home every day with the Lennox crew.Samuel continues to keep Kim on her toes waking up somewhere between 1 and 2.5 hours every night needing something to eat and Kim tries to get some sleep in when she can between those feeding times. Hopefully it's not long before he is sleeping through the night, fingers crossed :o
Friday, April 18, 2008
First Video...
Been trying to get the video thing down which has been proving to be a frustration. This one covers the wee guy stretching after a good feeding :)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
2nd Doctor's Visit
This morning we had our follow up doctor's appointment for Samuel. We initially had an appointment last Friday where we found out that Samuel was in the 3rd percentile for weight, weighing in at 5lb 5oz, (this is down 3.8oz from birth weight) and 25th percentile for length.
Today he is up to the 10th percentile for weight being that he gained 8oz's in 5 days and is at 5lb 13oz. The wee man is sucking the life out of mum and we are both like zombies from sleep deprivation but he is worth it.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Samuel's First Night at Home
So, we had a pretty uneventful night with the little guy. Food-wise he is like clockwork waking every 2-2.5 hours wanting some grub and Kim and I go through the process of a diaper/nappy change then on to the feeding then on to the burping. He has really been great, although having been one full night we now know of some more baby things we need to pick up.
Kim finally got some decent sleep with a few hours back to back during the night. She had been camped out in the NICU for the last 5 days and there is not much sleep to be had with other babies crying and nurses having to check Samuel every hour or so. She is beginning to feel a lot more chipper though which is good :)
Kim finally got some decent sleep with a few hours back to back during the night. She had been camped out in the NICU for the last 5 days and there is not much sleep to be had with other babies crying and nurses having to check Samuel every hour or so. She is beginning to feel a lot more chipper though which is good :)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
We are home!!
Hey Folks,
Well today after spending 5 days in the NICU we were sent home with our little bundle of joy Samuel. The little guy has been a champ the last 5 days meeting every goal asked of him from being a preemie.
Tonight Kim, Samuel and myself get to spend our first night at home which actually has us more worried knowing we don't have the nurses from the NICU, (who are probably glad to see the back of us), to ask questions too :)
Watch this space, but I also uploaded a whole bunch of new pictures at the link below.
Well today after spending 5 days in the NICU we were sent home with our little bundle of joy Samuel. The little guy has been a champ the last 5 days meeting every goal asked of him from being a preemie.
Tonight Kim, Samuel and myself get to spend our first night at home which actually has us more worried knowing we don't have the nurses from the NICU, (who are probably glad to see the back of us), to ask questions too :)
Watch this space, but I also uploaded a whole bunch of new pictures at the link below.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Link to more pictures
Kim's brother Sean's site has quite a few pictures of young Samuel if anyone wants to take a look, www.seankervin.com
Sunday, April 6, 2008
35 Weeks And Counting....becomes Labor And Delivery!!!!

Well for those of you that don't already know, on Wednesday night, (2nd April), Kim lost her mucus plug...no big deal, right? That's what everyone told us. It could mean 1 or 2 days to a few weeks.
Thursday afternoon Kim and I think "Hey, we should really go pick up a car seat/stroller as a just in case" We pick up a very nice one at Toys R Us in Cedar Rapids, and driving home, Kim's water breaks (she's actually driving). We come home, call the labor and delivery at UIHC and pack our bags and head down there.
So, to cut a long story short, we are in our room by 8.30 or so. By 11.30 Kim's getting stronger contractions, by 4.30AM she's in the hot tub, by 4.35AM she's ready to push, (nurse tells her not to, even though Kim knew it was time). 5.15 or so our GP turns up, 5.30 Kim begins pushing, 5.45AM on 4-4-08,
Samuel Rodney Lennox is born, 5 weeks premature, 17.5" long and 5lb 9oz!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
34 Weeks and Counting

Well here we are at 34 weeks and the countdown seems to be happening a little faster towards May 9th. Kim is looking radiant as ever and been coping well and looking good carrying a ball around on her front :). The little guy moves, kicks and pushes a lot and it's very cool to watch him squirm around under the surface.
He, like us, is probably pretty excited to being closer to coming out
Sunday, March 16, 2008
32 Weeks and Counting...

Here is the most recent picture of Kim. You will also notice she also has a snazzy new haircut, which has her continue to be the world's hottest mum to be :)
Someone asked me the other day, why do you continue to take Kim's weekly pictures in the guest bathroom? Well, basically I started taking them there so here they will continue.
Monday, March 3, 2008
30 Weeks and Counting....
Friday, February 22, 2008
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